Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Rude Awakening
Yesterday I was reading in one of my photography magazines, and I came upon a little piece that said something to the effect of "To sell your photographs, try an online stock agency like". So I thought to myself, hey... that sounds like an idea, maybe I could put some of my photos on there and maybe someone is looking for something that I have, and buy it, and that would help bring in a little money.
So I went to the site, signed up, and then you have to read through this tutorial thing, and after that there's a little quiz you have to take based on what you read..... well needless to say I skimmed thru the reading and failed the quiz the first time.... but went back and passed the second time. The next step is to upload 3 sample images, and then they review them and get back to you as to whether or not they'd like to have you submit to their stock photo site.
Here's where the rude awakening comes in.... this is the reply I got:
Dear Christopher (cesigmon),
Thank you for taking the time to apply as a contributor with
The iStock administrators have asked that you upload new samples based on the feedback provided below. You're welcome to return in 3 days, upload some new samples and we'll re-process your application.
Comments from the iStockphoto Administrator:
At this time we regret to inform you that we did not feel the overall composition of your photography or subject matter is at the minimum level of standard for iStockphoto. Please take some time to review training materials, resources and articles provided through iStockphoto. The photographs provided in your application should be your best work. Try and impress us, we want to see how you stand out from the crowd.
We welcome you to return in the number of days specified and upload 3 fresh samples of your work and we will re-process your application.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Best Regards,
So yeah.... I guess my hopes of photography actually paying back are just hopes for now. I kinda knew in the back of my mind that I wasn't "good enough" to sell photos yet... this just kinda confirmed it. Oh well.....
So I went to the site, signed up, and then you have to read through this tutorial thing, and after that there's a little quiz you have to take based on what you read..... well needless to say I skimmed thru the reading and failed the quiz the first time.... but went back and passed the second time. The next step is to upload 3 sample images, and then they review them and get back to you as to whether or not they'd like to have you submit to their stock photo site.
Here's where the rude awakening comes in.... this is the reply I got:
Dear Christopher (cesigmon),
Thank you for taking the time to apply as a contributor with
The iStock administrators have asked that you upload new samples based on the feedback provided below. You're welcome to return in 3 days, upload some new samples and we'll re-process your application.
Comments from the iStockphoto Administrator:
At this time we regret to inform you that we did not feel the overall composition of your photography or subject matter is at the minimum level of standard for iStockphoto. Please take some time to review training materials, resources and articles provided through iStockphoto. The photographs provided in your application should be your best work. Try and impress us, we want to see how you stand out from the crowd.
We welcome you to return in the number of days specified and upload 3 fresh samples of your work and we will re-process your application.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Best Regards,
So yeah.... I guess my hopes of photography actually paying back are just hopes for now. I kinda knew in the back of my mind that I wasn't "good enough" to sell photos yet... this just kinda confirmed it. Oh well.....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Time to Fast
So I was doing my daily reading in my Bible today....for those who don't know I have a devotional book called "One Year Through the Bible" that I read everday, and along with the daily devotional, it has a Bible reading along with it, and so by reading every day, by December 31st, I will have read thru the entire Bible.... hooray!
Anyhooo, I was reading today and I said to myself, maybe I can find some scripture that will help with things that we're going thru now (where's money gonna come from, what should we do about moving back to Radford, etc.) Well as I was flipping thru my Bible, I came across a bulletin insert from last year (or this year maybe) that talked about fasting..... and it kinda hit me, this is something I need to be doing on a weekly basis.
Now fasting isn't necessarliy just going without food, but can also be giving up something else in your life. So since I can't really go without food for a whole day (wanna talk about a migraine?) then I've decided to give up my computer, TV and Wii time one day a week. So starting tomorrow, you'll no longer be getting e-mails, comments, or blog updates for me. I'm gonna take the time that I would normally be doing those other things and spend it praying, reading my Bible, and getting out to enjoy all that God has created....
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Another Sad Day
Well today was another sad day for this household.... as I told you on Monday we got some new members to the family, a couple of kittens. Well, some of you may know that I'm allergic to some cats..... and these two happened to be included in that group. I tried to hide it for the first couple days, even going so far as to take Benedryl one day, because I didn't want to be the one to cause the rest of the family to lose our cute new friends..... but ultimately I couldn't hide it anymore and had to fess up. So today we had to return our kittens to the animal hospital..... :-( Such a sad feeling to know that they had a home, and then had to lose it.... I hope someone snatches them up soon!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Newest Members
.... of the Sigmon clan...... Fiona and Conner!
Also, an update on me.... I just got off the phone with Hershey, they were giving me my results of my blood work that I had done. Turns out that I have an "impaired glucose tolerance"..... and they said if not fixed, it could turn into diabetes..... but to fix it, would probably only take me losing 10-15lbs.... SOOOO.... looks like diet time.... serious diet time!
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Thought I'd share a little bit about what's happening around here lately.... This is nothing official, but something that's seriously being thought over.... so here we go.
As most of you know, we put our house in Radford on the market back at the beginning of this year, and moved back to Franklin County with my parents. Well, although we had several people look at our house, it never sold, and officially went off the market at the end of June. We have a family from our church renting it until August.... We weren't really sure what we were going to do, whether it be re-list it with another realtor or what.....
Well we were thinking that, since we're already making the house payment, we might as well be living in our own house..... so we may be moving back to Radford. We thought we may try to rent out our lower bedroom to a college student or whatever, as that would help a LOT with bills.... of course we're rather picky about who we'd let/want living with us.....
Since I'm not working, I'd be able to keep Mia.... or her keep me, whichever you wanna call it.... while Steph starts back at school..... but hopefully my headaches will calm down and I'll be able to head back to work myself sometime.
Anyways, like I said this is by no means official as of yet, but definitely something we're considering and praying about..... so your prayers are also appreciated, and if you know someone who can make use of a room, and doesn't mind a baby and a dog upstairs, then maybe it's someone we could consider renting to.
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