This is how I feel right now.... a little grumpy.
I have a little update on my headaches.... Things haven't been getting any better lately, so I called my doctor a couple weeks ago to see if there was anything else we could do. She prescribed me a medication called Thorazine, to take when I have a severe headache, which has been occuring more and more frequently lately. The Thorazine pretty much just knocks me out for 12+ hours.... no joke, I mean knocked out. It also makes me a little woozy when I stand up and move around. It's actually the drug I was on in the hospital(well one of them) that I passed out while I was taking it.
Anyways, fast forward to this week I talked to my doctor again in Philly and she said that things seem to have gone downhill since I was in the hospital, and the only thing she can think of is that they took me off one of my medicines while in there, so she wants to start me back on the Lyrica and see if that helps any. She also wants to see me before my scheduled appt that wasn't until May. So I have to go back to Philly on April 14th.
Also, today I was able to see the pain management doctor in Roanoke. I wasn't supposed to go in till the end of April, but they had a cancellation and so I got in early. He felt around on my neck and head, and said that I didn't have any of the signs that are usually associated with having problems with facetal nerves. He said he would do the facet nerve block injections that the doctors in Philly wanted, but he wasn't sure it'd be any help.
So that's why I'm kinda grumpy feeling today... and thats the update.