Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Permanent Implant

Sorry that it's been so long since I've posted. Figured I would finally update you all on how my surgery went. On July 19th, I went to Jefferson University Hospital in Philly to have my permanent nerve stimulator implanted. The surgery went well, although I was pretty sore for about a week afterwards. I have about 5 small scars on my head, back shoulder and chest where they ran the wires and installed the battery. Overall I'd say that the stimulator is helping, although I am still getting about 2-3 headaches a week that I'm unable to get relief for. This is definitely better than having a headache 7 days a week, but it's also a little frustrating since the trial stimulator did so well. I'm hoping that after the next follow up visit, I can get some new "programs" that will maybe help eliminate or at least control the headaches that do make it through.