Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yet Another Change

Well I'm not gonna lie, the past several days have been rough.... I was headache free on Friday, down on Sat and Sun. with pretty bad ones, again with headaches on Mon, Tues and today, although I did make it thru work today.... So anyways, as I'm sitting at work this morning my boss comes down to the shanty (yes, a shanty... it's what we call it) and says hey to the workers... as he's leaving he says "ToT, (that's what they call me at work) come by my office this evening when you get off and talk to me." sonofa.... i know what it's about, it's gonna be about my work record.... and I won't BS ya, it's a bad work record. So I promptly call Stephanie and have her call UVA and find out what the deal is with them. Well, after searching thru the computer and not finding anything, finally they come across my file and yeah, I'm scheduled to have a spinal tap on June 23rd.... Thanks for calling me UVA!

Anyways, so this evening rolls around and I go to meet with my boss. He asks me how things are going headache wise and I tell him the truth.... still every day. Luckily I have a nice boss who's working with me thru all this, I had been keeping him updated on my situation in the past, but since much hadn't changed, I had kinda slacked off.... anyways, he just wanted me to bring in some doctor's notes and what not so he'd have something to show for my absences. Here I was, pretty much thinking all day that I was going to be taken out of service for who knows how long.... but thank God it went a lot better than that. Although to be honest, it would almost be better for me/my family if I was taken out of service, because then I could claim sick benefits/unemployment and would actually make more than I'm making now by only working a couple of days a week(if that many).

So that's the latest.... I'm still trusting God to heal me, I just think I should also bring the doctors in on all this and see what we can find out..... especially since it's easier to get a doctor's note than a God's note.

You can continue to pray for wisdom and insight for my doctors and also that I make wise decisions in all that I do.


Jeremy said...

nice dude.

Michelle said...

I LOVE the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy you have an appointment!!!!!!!!!!!
Still Praying!!!!!!!!!!!
Laughed out loud at God note :) You always make me smile except when you are being mean to me. :)