Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Headache Update

So I realized that I haven't updated you all about my headache situation in a while.... seems I've gotten caught up into uploading photos instead...

Anyways, 2 weeks ago I called Hershey Medical and told them that I was still having my headaches every day. They put me on a week long treatment of prednisone, and told me to call back in 2 weeks if my headaches weren't any better. So yesterday I called them back and let them know that the prednisone hadn't done anything for my headaches.... they're still the same.

Today I received a call from them and they wanted me to talk to my PCP about upping the dose on one of my meds (my Cymbalta) and if that didn't work after a week or so, then we should look into a 48 hour stay in the hospital with an IV infusion.... an infusion of what, they didn't say... I guess we'll figure that out if we make it to that.

Anyways, that's the latest.... I'll keep ya posted on anymore happenings!


Michelle said...

Thanks for keeping us posted

Gary and Charlene Poston said...

Thanks for the update,Chis. Pursue your healing! God is in everything. You're in my prayers.
