Sunday, August 24, 2008

An Update to the Update

So after I blogged the other day, my doctor's office at Hershey called me back and changed things up a bit. They said that increasing the Cymbalta wouldn't really have an immediate effect, so they put me on a 5 day regimen of: Toradol every 6 hours for 5 days, and Reglan every day for 5 days. Both of these drugs are normally stuff you'd take to get rid of a headache when you have one..... like, you'd take either of them, not both usually.... and you'd take it once, and it'd knock your headache out. For me however, it's done nothing for my headaches.... all it's done is make me tired...... So I guess I will call them this week sometime and see what the next plan is. I dunno if this will be when they send me for a lil stay in the hospital for the IV infusion or what.

Anyways, I just ask that you all keep my family, my doctors, and myself in your prayers..... that God will lead my doctors to the answers that we all so desperately need them to find.... that he'll continue to provide for us financially.... and that he'll just keep us all sane around here! :-)

On to a little happier note.... the other day I was showing Mia some pictures on my digital camera, when she very easily found the shutter button and gave it a press..... so below you see the first ever photograph from Mia Sigmon.... I guess she's going for the artistic side of photography!

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