Well, it's 5am... I've been up since 4am. Part of this is because the nurse came in to change the bandaging around my PICC line (which by the way is starting to itch and be sore... is this normal Stephanie?) but mainly because the Ambien they give me to sleept at night must have a 6-8 hour time limit on it. It works GREAT to get me to sleep in about 15mins, but it just doesn't keep me asleep.
Anyways, I'm sure you're all wondering how the nerve block went. As I may have mentioned yesterday, the initial pokes of the needle HURT like crazy. I didn't notice any immediate relief, like within the first few hours that followed. But last night during the Super Bowl, I had a few hours of headache freeness and to be honest felt better than I have in a loooooong while. It was great! This morning I woke up with a bit of a headache, but nothing that I wouldn't be able to push thru if I was at home. So I'm hoping that I can talk my way out of this place today or tomorrow.... I can't express how much I miss my family, my friends, my house, my bed, my food, my freedom, but mainly my Stephanie and my Mia.
I know, you're probably thinking, "But Chris, wouldn't it be best to stay a few more days, to make sure they've got it worked out?" The answer simply is NO. If I have to stay here much longer, I will go crazy. The staff is great, the room is OK, the food.... eh. But if I don't get out of here they'll be transporting me back to Radford in a straight jacket.
So continued prayers for pain relief, but also prayers for my sanity. And remember... God is good! All the time!