Sunday, February 1, 2009

Philly--- Day 7

Hello friends. There's not a whole lot to update you on today. I've still got a headache, and my doctor is going to do the nerve block later today. They've upped my lidocaine dose, but taken me off one of my other meds as I had a pretty scary experience right before lunch and blacked out while on the toilet.... so yeaaaah, they said it was probably the thorazine that was making me light headed, and when that happened my blood pressure also bottomed out. It's now probably about 2 hours after the incident, and my blood pressure is now 97/55, which is up from what it was before. Anyways, that's about all that's going on today. I'll let ya know how the nerve block works out. Enjoy the big game today!


Anonymous said...

You sound like me.

"this one time at the hosptial"....I too also blacked ou on the toilet...luckily the nurse was still there and caught me!

Michelle said...

I'll be waiting to hear about the nerve block :)