Monday, February 16, 2009

The Chiropractor

Today I went to see a chiropractor here in Radford. They also do acupuncture there, and since I had tried neither of these in the past, I figured I might as well give them a shot to see if they can help my headaches.

The doctor seems pretty confident that he can help me, and says that he's had a lot of success in the past with headache patients. They took a couple of Xrays and found out that my 2nd vertebrae (from the top) is twisted, and most likely has something to do with my headaches. He did some acupuncture type stuff with a couple of Q-tip type probes(no needles) that delivered some small electric shocks to some of my pressure points, and then did some adjusting to my neck with his hands. I have to admit that hearing your neck crack like that is a pretty scary sound when you've never heard it before. haha

Anyways, I have to go back 2 more times this week and then 3 times a week over the next couple of weeks. He said I should start to see some improvement within a few weeks, although things could get a little worse before they get better as my body adjusts to these changes.

I also go back to Philly next Tuesday for my first follow up following my hospital stay. Things haven't changed much since I've come home... the new meds don't seem to be doing much, so I'm sure they'll change them around some more and look for a new "cocktail". Continued prayers are greatly appreciated! :-)

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