Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well, I am home from Philly. I came home Wednesday, and have kinda been settling back into things, which is why no posts until now. I was hoping the headache free days would continue, but unfortunately they have not. Wednesday and Thursday I was down with some pretty severe headaches, Friday pain was at a moderate level... today it is as well. Yesterday was the first day on all of my new meds though, as CVS didn't have in stock everything I needed, so I'm hoping after I get everything in my system things will turn around a bit. I talked to my doctor in Philly yesterday also, about maybe getting a permanent nerve block, as the one they gave me last Sunday seemed to help. She said however they at this time they don't do permanent nerve blocks, and that they don't consider nerve blocks a success unless the patient has 2 weeks of relief..... so I guess mine wasn't successful, although over the next couple weeks if my headache intensity goes down, then maybe we can say that it helped a little. I'm supposed to go back for a follow up on the 26th of this month... I'm probably gonna fly up this time, as driving 7.5 hours really takes a lot out of me and definitely does a number on my head.

On a good note, I guess, we did our taxes today. Surprisingly we're getting a little refund and don't owe, which we thought we would since taxes aren't withheld on my sick benefits. So that is a blessing from God for sure.

As for prayer concerns, I ask that you continue to pray for my headaches, that the new medications would work and hopefully get me back to a normal lifestyle. Also I would ask that you'd say a prayer for my disability application at the railroad to be handled, and hopefully approved! sometime soon.... as of now, we have no income. So we're hoping that I can get approved and start receiving that money in the near future.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We continue to pray and I am so bummed your feeling bad again. Hey we would like that coupon if you still have it by the way :)