Monday, January 26, 2009

Philly--- Day 1

So I'm finally in Philly.... I left VA last night around 7, got to Newville and Steph's parents around 11:30pm.... slept, got up and left their house at 7:15ish....

Let me just say, Philly is craziness... traffic is ridiculous, and it's just... wow... I can't even describe it.

Now I'm just laying in the hospital bed.... They hooked up a PICC line a little bit ago... now I don't know what that stands for, but pretty much it's a sophisticated IV that they put in my upper arm, and they ran a catheter from there to the top portion of my heart.... Have you ever had that done? It feels weird as hell to have something sliding thru your vein...and then when it got to my heart, my heart kinda jumped a little....

Anyways, they have some saline going thru me right now, and they're supposed to hook up the rest of my meds this evening. My nurse said that most people are in here a week, some a little longer.... So who knows when I'll get back home.

Also, I know this goes without saying, but the food here sucks.... it sounds good on the menu, and then.... ugh... So if any of you try to surprise me with a visit, you better run by Geno's or Pat's and get me a cheesesteak.... Otherwise you're not permitted in here...haha More tomorrow....


Donna said...


don't you just hate a smart ass!

Glad you're getting settled in...and as much as I would like to help you out on the food.....I think the snow they are calling for will keep me from makeing a surpise

Love you!

ps.....i'll get you some pics of Mia this evening.....and send them to your email.....

Anonymous said...

I do hate a smart ass!LOL

Did they take an X-ray on ya?? they better have...if not you let me know..and I'll bring my portable machine up there and make sure the line is in the right spot...dang it you better be telling me that they could you have left that part out?? I mean come on often to you have a freaking x-ray machine brought right to your bedside??:)

keep us posted ya..mean it

Jeremy said...
