Friday, April 11, 2008


errr.... actually Monday for me (since my days off are Wed and Thurs.) Anyways, first off let me start by saying that my pictures have nothing to do with what I'm about to say..... just most of my pictures lately are of Mia, so that's what I'm sharing.

On to the kinda funny story for the day. To begin, Stephanie and Mia have traveled to PA for the weekend, since Stephanie has Monday and half the day Tuesday off.... So I made plans to hang out with my brother in law Durand, since my sister Angie, is off at a scrapbooking retreat (yes, there is such a thing as a scrapbooking retreat....what the heck ever hahaha). So we were gonna play some video games on his new PS3.... well as we're waiting for our to go order from Applebee's, we decided to go to the movie store in Rocky Mount and rent a game.... we walk in, and here's the conversation between myself and the cashier......

"Yeah, I just needed to check real quick and make sure I still have an account here."

"OK, can I see your ID? Ok, is the address still _____"


"And the phone number still _____"

"uh huh"

"Ok, I'm still showing a late fee from 2005, for the Longest Yard."

"Hmmm... yeah, I guess I better go ahead and pay that one."

Dang! A late fee from 2005?!? It's been 3 years.... let it go! Movie Starz never forgets!

Anyhoo.... I thought it was funny, maybe you just had to be there....

And so, as promised.... some new Mia pics, who by the way turned 10 months old this week, is learning to walk, and oh! might I point out her hot pink Crocs! Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

adorable pics as always. Love the crocs. So how much is a late fee from 2005 anyhow? LOL Well we are bummed you are feeling bad and not able to make it tonight :(