Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To-Do List

Now, first off, this post is in no way relevant to anything. It's mainly a way to hold myself accountable to finish a few things that need to be done, and hopefully share the results(from a few items, not all) with you, the reader. I have the next couple of days off (and before anyone makes a smart comment about how I've had the past few days off also..... just stop....) so, banking on myself feeling well enough, I'm starting a to-do list of things that need to be finished before I head back into work Friday morning.

1. Balance my/our checkbook.... there are about 8 receipts laying here that I've yet to enter into my checkbook, and also a few bills that need to be paid.

B. Make it up to Radford to mow the lawn at our house.... and also while I'm there, make it to the Selents house so my dad can look at their lawnmower and hopefully fix it..... if it's not too late that is.

D. Rip all or most of my CDs to my computer..... I just need some more tunes on here. So far I just have my Coldplay and my Wilco on here, which is fine by me.... but I'm just saying, sometimes a little variety is good.

7. Get out and take some pictures!! I have 3 rolls of film in different cameras that I need to finish up.... 2 35mm rolls (one which I'm super jacked about, cause I'm running it thru my Holga, which is a 120 film camera, so with the 35mm film in it, even the sprocket holes will be exposed with some of the photo.... don't follow? You shall see in a few days!) and one roll of 120 film that's in my Zeiss Ikoflex (my first roll thru this camera, can't wait to see the results!)

And last but definitely not least.... Refrain from uploading pictures for a few days. As it turns out, on our satellite internet that we have, and the package we have, there is a 30 rolling limit as to how much you can upload and download..... and seeing as how I upload pictures to about 5 or 6 different sites (Flickr, JPG Mag, Snapfish, here, my Cafepress Shop, and sometimes MySpace) our limit is slowly coming into play.... I think last time we looked it was at 85%.... if we go over that limit, they slow our connection speed down until we fall back under it.... sucks huh?? Well it's that, or dial up since being in the sticks doesn't make DSL possible just yet.

Anyways, sorry for a babbling post today, but I want you guys and gals to keep on me about how I'm doing on my list.... that way it'll be even worse if I slack off, cause I'll have y'all to answer to as well.... get it?


Michelle said...

Well someone is supposed to be coming to pick up the mower sometime tomorrow but if you think your dad might not mind mowing for us it would be a huge help since we have a hayfield now. Just a thought. We could get away with ignoring the back hill. By the way I am still upset about your awesome shop....I thought it was so cool...sad sad sad!

Michelle said...

What is up with your numbering system 1. B. D. 7.? Have you been eating peaches?

Still UPSET!

Chris Sigmon said...

that's how we number stuff here in FC.... that's how we roll.

Sorry you're upset, does me closing my shop take away the commission you got from me opening it?

And also, are you serious about my dad mowing your yard? I mean I'm sure he would .... but i don't know that he'd feel up to it after helping with our's....

Michelle said...

No Eric will probably ask the neighbor if he can use his mower or something.

No I did not lose any commission. I would have only made a % off of your sales for the first year.

It just makes me sad because your pics are so awesome and I think you could have been great at it and I would love for your hobby to make some $ for you. I really believe your desire and ability with the camera are a gift from God. That doesn't mean it has to be a source of income for you but I thought it would be nice if it was. Anyhow I am rambling and besides it's not about me!