Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So I've been sitting here thinking of what to write about today. It's been tough to tell the truth, so let's try a couple things:

First off, I have to admit that lately I've been hooked on bird photography, thru a dirty window nonetheless.... I have my tripod(well, techincally it's Jeremy's tripod) rigged up and my camera has been staying on there.... I don't have a pic of the setup, so I'll have to explain it to you: One of the legs is sitting on the electric wall heater, the 2nd one is sitting on a stack of encyclopedias and a few DVD cases.... and the 3rd, well it won't stay extended, so I had to extend it as far as it would go, and then place it on top of my subwoofer.... yeah, it's not a pretty sight. So anyways, I think we need some different type of bird seed, because all I'm getting out there are mainly finches.... lots and lots of finches. But, there are a couple of woodpeckers who also like to chow down, so I'm trying to get a full shot of one of those.... that would be my Holy Grail of bird shots at the moment... haha all I've been able to get is his head... and might I mention, that woodpecker kinda look evil.... I'm just sayin'.... look at his eyes!
Hmmm next up on my excitment meter is my little herb garden.... they're sprouting! hooray! last time i killed em all. Oh, and by herb, I mean the edible kind.... not the smokable kind. I don't need money that bad yet..... although if it comes down to it, I am in Franklin Co..... I'm sure there's some moonshine that needs to be sold somewhere nearby.And lastly, we have pictures! I picked up 2 rolls of 120 film today that I had developed.... and I'm not gonna lie, one roll turned out like crap. But the B&W ones turned out pretty sweet in my opinion.... considering they were taken from a toy camera. Viva la Film! or something like that. ** a little side note if you will, sorry if you see some of the same or similar pictures... I usually take one with my D80, and one with the Holga as well..... Anyways, sorry to bore you all with a bunch of rambling.... tomorrow it's off to the sleep study center.... Oh, and while I'm on that topic, can you relate with me when I say, it's gonna be hard as heck to fall asleep knowing that there are cameras on you, and people watching you!

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