Monday, April 14, 2008


Just thought I'd throw out a little update... keep y'all current on what's happening over here.

First off, Michelle had asked just how much a 3 year late fee on a movie is... well, luckily it didn't gain any interest or anything, so it was the same as a regular late fee I guess.... I can tell you however, that if you throw 3 video games in the trunk of your car, take off to the beach after graduation for Senior Week, and then realize once you're in South Carolina that the games were due back ummmm yesterday..... 5 days later you will incur about a $30 late fee.... I mean, I'm just throwing that senario out there, it may or may not have actually happened.

As far as headaches go, I'm still having them daily.... and it really sucks when headaches ruin all of your plans for the weekend.... Like say, going to Radford to hang out with friends on a Saturday evening. And then you plan to get up and go to church on Sunday morning, to see all of your friends who you haven't seen in ages, only to wake with yet another headache.... yeah, kinda puts one in a foul mood.

I took a little bit of action this morning, as I awoke yet again with a headache, and called my neurologist in Hooville (AKA Charlottesville, AKA possibly the greatest college town after Durham) and left a message for him. I told them that something needed to happen, be it a spinal-tap or whatever, cause I was missing too much work and waiting till September to come back is just not a possibility. So we'll see how that turns out....

I guess that about does it.... maybe more later as the day/evening goes on.

**update to the update** UVA just called me back and my neurologist is starting the paper work for me to have a spinal tap done. They said it'll probably be done at UVA, so alright.... not sure if that will require missing work after the procedure or not.... if anyone knows you could fill us all in with a comment perhaps.... or there's always Wikipedia!


Michelle said...

Love the pic today Skidmon. I was hoping you would have something to say about mine on my post today. I thought it was pretty cool. Sunset outside our front door. Makes me think of Jesus. Your late fee story continues to make me laugh. So PRAISE JESUS on something happening with the tap and all. Do you have to be awake for that? We KEEP praying until we are REJOICING for you. I know it is hard Chris. We missed you this weekend not to make you feel bad but just so you know you were missed.

Michelle said...

I remember our conversation we had a year ago today also. You were the first one who let me know something was going on. Hard to believe a year has passed.