Monday, April 28, 2008

The Highs and Lows of Spring

Ahh springtime.... such a lovely time of year..... flowers and plants blooming, birds singing, lots to enjoy really... such as this lovely lil butterfly here.
I never really noticed how beautiful it was this time of year until I took up a little thing called photography.... you definitely seem to notice more when you're always looking for the next shot.

But with those joys and beauties, comes somewhat of a downside.... the grass is growing, which means mowing at least once a week.... my worst fear in the world, snakes are starting to come out of hiding..... and might I mention that that's the only thing I kinda dislike about the country, having to worry about snakes. I'm sure there were/are snakes in Radford as well, but I never had the fear of running into one like I do here. I guess the "city" setting settled my fears. Also a big bummer of spring, but one that the beauty can't do with out.... POLLEN.... ugh. If I had a nickel for every time I've sneezed in the past couple days, and a penny for every tissue that this family had used..... I'd be a rich man I tell ya. I could retire, you could retire.... it's insane. I mean there's absolutely no use to even think about washing your vehicle, because within a matter of hours, it's gonna be yellow again.

Anyways, this is kinda just a dumb post.... something to occupy my mind instead of thinking about this headache I have brewing. As for all that mess, I called UVA today and it seems my doctor is out of the country and his receptionist is out sick, so they're supposed to let me know tomorrow what's going on with the spinal tap plan. Until we meet again....... have a good day/week.....


Michelle said...

Skidmon so glad you posted again... Your butterfly shot is off the hook! I have camera and camera skill envy. I know what you mean about the snake thing...those things freak me out. Thanks for looking at my new designs. i have 2 new ones up in my christian section you will have to check out sometime. Maybe a third one before the night is over. I am on a roll.

Michelle said...

Oh I forgot to tell you that yes I found those worry dolls at Peir One. i took the picture :)

Anonymous said...

YOU MOW THE GRASS???HA Now there's a sight I want to see. People...don't let this guy fool ya...he had it made growing up! I don't recall him mowing the yard and if he did it was no where close to as many times as I did! LOL

Glad to see you final posted again...:) Love ya lil' bro!